Lily's passport was ready to be picked up Friday morning.
Then we were all set to travel to Guangzhou!
Zhengzhou did not disappoint us in our last hours there - the airport was a bit chaotic.
There were hundreds of people crammed into a small space. Then we had to ride a tram from the terminal to our plane that was waaaaaay out on the tarmac.
Then we had to push our way onto the steps leading up to the plane door....I'm not kidding. I had my elbows out trying to protect Lily from all the pushing and shoving. I was wearing her in a baby carrier, and I'm so glad I was because we could have never gotten onto the tram and then the plane with her in the stroller!
Practicing our standing while waiting on our plane at the airport.
The very HOT airport. |
People staring at us has been par for the course.
If there are waiting adoptive families out there reading this...
Get ready.
People stare.
A lot.
Sometimes glare....literally they squint their eyes and scowl at us.
In America, we stare at people too.
But when the people we're staring at notice that we're staring at them,
at least we quickly look away! LOL
Guangzhou is where the U.S. Consulate is located and where we will complete Lily's immigration process.
The view from our room at the China Hotel in Guangzhou |
We've gotten to Face Time with Benaiah almost every day that we've been in China.
He's all smiles when we talk. His grandparents are taking such good care of him!
His Papa got to keep him last Friday...
I just MELT at that smile! |
We are so glad to finally be in the 2nd half of our trip to China. We are missing Benaiah and the comforts of home so badly.
Guangzhou is much more beautiful than Zhengzhou. It's an even bigger city than Zhengzhou, but it's more established and is much more green. And VEEEEEERY humid. I might go as far to say that it's more humid than Mississippi!
There are dozens of adoptive families here, completing the immigration process for their children as well, so it's been a breath of fresh air to meet other families, hear their stories and just talk to someone else who speaks English!