February 28, 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday, Lily!!!

Dear Lily,

You are THREE years old today!!!

This morning when your brother woke up, I put him in the bed with me and your daddy and we sang "Happy Birthday" to you.

We are asking God that it be His will that you are home with us for your 4th birthday.....and many, many, many birthdays after that!

We've had your birthday banner hanging for a couple of weeks now.

And although we mailed your birthday present 2 weeks ago, it still hasn't made it to you yet :( I'm hoping it will get to you by the end of next week though.

We sent you...
- A photo pillow with a picture of your family on it. If it's safe, I hope it can stay in your crib with you so you can look at us every day and know that you have a family who loves you.
- A recordable book entitled "If..." that me and your Daddy read to you so that you can get used to hearing our voices
- 2 disposable cameras that your nannies can use to take pictures of you while we're working to come get you
- A rainbow birthday card that plays the song, "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"
- Some lip balm. I noticed in a few of the pictures we have of you that your lips were a bit chapped. Every girl needs a little lipstick! :)
- A photo album with individual pictures of your family members and your new house. I labeled each picture in Chinese so that your nannies can better help you know who everyone is.
- A Dora the Explorer Light Spinner. One of Mommy's friends saw you a couple of months ago and noticed that you didn't track things very well with your eyes.  I said, "Not a problem. We got that one!" Your brother doesn't track things well either, so we use a lot of "light therapy" to help him.  He's using his eyes SO MUCH BETTER now, so we're hoping that this little light toy will help your eyes improve too!

Lily-pie, we will never know the details that surround your birth. But we give thanks to God today for the three years of life He has breathed into you; for your birth mom who chose to give you life; and for the individuals who have cared for you these 3 years. While we are still quite dependent on others to help us take care of you right now, we anticipate with great joy the day when we will have the gift of being able to love and care for you in person.

You are a treasure to us, sweet girl.

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