August 26, 2013

Celebrating Caroline: Day 9

Memory #9:  Seeing Her Name

I don't think that monogramming a child's name on items is as popular in other parts of the country as it is in the South.

But we luuuuuuv our monograms down here.

And I luuuuuuv the gifts I got with Caroline's name on them.

If our house catches on fire, I'm running straight to Caroline's room to save these items - after all the humans in the house are safe of course :)

My best friend Cara made Caroline this li'l blanket, and the nurses let us leave it in the NICU with her.

When the lights started bothering her, they would even put it over her eyes so she could rest.

The blanket got stained from her sweat and all the gunk that was on her head for various reasons.

I'm sure you can guess that we have not, nor will we ever, wash this blanket :)

My friend Charise made her this sign for her bed in the NICU.

Isn't it adorable?!

These two personal items were all the rage in the NICU.

Both nurses and other parents were always asking me where I got these.

From good friends! :)

My sister gave me this precious bow for when Caroline got a little older and her hair got a little bit longer:

And Doug's Aunt Mary gave us this fabulous blanket:

I just love seeing her name.

The Balloon Project #9

Marc, Cara, Jack and Mary Rey love you, Caroline!!!

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